NB: This story was first published in 2011.
The death of longtime Lae resident Paul Menzel in November 2011, who ran the best little coffee shop in town, marked the end of an era.
Paul, originally from East Germany but who settled permanently in Lae and called it home, served the best coffee, warm chicken soup for those rainy days in Lae, and toasted sandwiches in town.
He was very much part of the old Lae that we grew up in and came to love.

Paul was of East German descent, and since he first set foot on the then paradise of Lae in the 1960s, it became his home.
Born in East Germany on Oct 10, 1936, he passed away in his beloved adopted home of Lae on November 15, 2011, and was buried at the Hengali village cemetery in Lae.
He ran the famous Paul’s Coffee Shop, or the Terrace Coffee Lounge, at the old IPI Building along 2nd Street in Lae, which was legendary for its chicken soup, toasted sandwiches and coffee.

Menzel’s story is a sad one of a ‘Cold War’ child, how he escaped from then socialist East Germany, escaped to West Germany and somehow ended up in Lae.
“He escaped from there (East Germany) when he was 12 years old by hiding in the toilets on a train to West Germany and then had to learn how to survive as a child in a city,” recalls former Lae resident Sharon Bluett.
“When the Berlin wall was torn down in 1989, my mum was there, and she brought home a piece of it for him.
“He was in hospital at that time after being attacked by a rascal.
“He cried when she gave the piece of wall.
“He had a really tough life but made the best of it.”
Marianne De La Motte: “Uptown Saturday morning was always the social highlight in Lae.
“Everyone gathered at Paul’s Coffee Lounge for their favourite, usually his famous toasted chicken and mayo sandwiches topped off with the best iced chocolate you can imagine, and to sit in the air-conditioning was a treat, a welcome relief from the humidity.
“As kids we put him through hell, kids just being kids, but he always took our antics with great humour and a cheeky grin.
“Thanks for the memories Paul; you were a true Lae icon, one which we all still talk about today.
“When we talk of the old days, Paul’s name is always there.

Priscilla Chante Maro Wrambin: “Heard a lot about his coffee shop from my parents. Though I don’t know him, he has a legacy and it lives on in the minds of people who knew and loved him.”
Egi L Daure: “Paul was a very good man. I can remember going in to IPI Coffee Shop with my uncle, Eric Seeto, to drink coffee. May your soul rest in peace.”
Lilly Nagai: “My condolences to sister Ambai Ruth Gigmai, who’s been with him through the good and bad times. RIP Paul.
Ian Taukuro: “Sad news. I do remember my late mother taking my brother and me to Paul’s shop for lunch back in the 80s.”

Simon Merton: “I remember back in my school days, every Saturday we would congregate at Paul’s.
“It was actually called ‘The Terrace Coffee Lounge’.
“When we became adults, we used to share beers with him at the upstairs bar at Lae International Hotel.
“I left Lae in 1990, didn’t come back until 2001.
“I remember, it was a Sunday.
“My wife was pregnant with our first son and she wanted a milkshake, so I said,’ let’s go to Paul’s’.
“We went there, Paul wasn’t there, I ordered a couple of milkshakes and we sat down outside.
“I then went into the Hertz office for a moment to check on something.
“When I came back, I found my wife sitting having a conversation with Paul.
“He immediately looked up at me and said, ‘Simon, when did you come back to town? ‘
“After all those years and growing from a scrawny teenager to a heavy set balding adult, he immediately recognised me and called my name.
“I sat down and introduced him to my wife.
“I fondly remember him telling her, ‘why did you marry such a rough neck?
“I was only in Lae for a few months that year, but I made sure I dropped into see Paul at least twice a week and I used to have a regular drink with him at the Lae Inter.
“He was a character, with a lot of stories.
“I believe he originated from what was then called ‘East Germany’.
“He came as a cook on a ship and never left.
“I clearly remember him telling me to watch an Australian movie called ‘To Have and To Hold’.
“He said, ‘watch it, only people like you and me will have a true understanding of that movie’.
“Late, I watched the movie, and I immediately understood what he meant.”

Reuben Pokanau: “Best coffee and sandwich in Top Town and I loved the joint.
“It was more up market in those days.
“IPI Building was iconic to Lae City landscape as well as Paul’s Coffee Shop.”
Jacqueline Niblett: “May his soul RIP.”
Gertrude Tamade Elai: “I can remember buying books at the bookshop next door and running in for a toasted sandwich.Sori tru.
Simon Anakapu: “ RIP.”
Arau Jo F: “Sorry to hear about Paul’s death.
“His coffee shop was the best, and was a classy little joint back in the old days.
“Went back to Lae in 2008, and saw that the IPI building was torn down, and ‘our’ Lae that we grew up in, had changed in the 23 years that I was gone.
“May he rest in peace.
“He was a character back then, and his legacy will live on.”
Jeff Lung: “He had the best toasted sandwiches in town. RIP Paul.
Elliott Kadir:”Dispela em favourite ples blo mi na paps lo lunch.chicken toasted sandwiches. They were the best…my condolences.”
Bernard Maladina: “ Bras, mi save go kisim empti botol long kofi shop bilong em long IPI Building na karim go salim long Coca-Cola fektori long Milfordhaven Road.
“I can still smell the whiff of coffee aroma coming from his shop and envision the expat ladies sipping their tropical juice from the balcony of his shop. RIP Paul.”
Lilian Hayball-Clarke: “RIP Paul – we always had coffee and a bite at Paul’s in Lae in the 80s, down from Kainantu on a shopping and friend visit or trip.
“A wonderful character – he will be missed – and his welcoming coffee shop.”
Tobias Riegel: “RIP Paul. Checking for new books next door, then a Coke at his place before checking the mail at the post office. It was a great time. Lae has not been the same since.”
Glennis Korsman-D’elboux: “I worked there as well. Loved mixing the marg with milk to make it bubble with the toasted sandwiches. Loved the coffee. Can smell it now can, still see him charging around in his VW. I hope you are at peace. Xox.”
Larian Sloan: “Really miss his honey pots.Crumpets and coffee were fantastic and his toasted sandwiches were to die for…miss you Paul.”
Steve Turner: “We used to leave fire crackers in his coffee shop with a slow fuse…..I feel guilty now.”
John Moore: “Paul and his coffee shop will forever be carved into the indelible ‘good times’ spent in Lae, Papua New Guinea.
“The best steak sandwiches and iced chocolates ever!
“Paul was trendy before trendy was a concept.
“His cafe reflected his unique take on life.
“The ceiling was trick as it was painted mat black with the lower section created with rope.
“Paul remained cool through the onslaught of teenage jokes, pranks, and stupidity. Legend!”
Jacqui Towns: “Paul once told me he used to commute from East to West Germany every day to work.
“They had the usual border guards, train security etc., to check that everyone returned.
“One day he decided to escape to the west and hid by sitting on top of a toilet in the train.
“Left his mum and family behind and did not get to go home to see mum for 25 years.
“He got pretty upset when he was telling me about it.
“He was certainly one of Lae’s famous characters and he taught his cook bois to make the best toasted sandwiches in the world!
“In fact, when I first arrived in Lae at age 16, Paul’s Coffee Shop was the only connection with the modern world outside!
Yes one and only Paul’s Coffee Shop. Miss him dearly and also the B4s of Lae….
It’s not the same anymore 😕 😔 😪
Yes, Helen, Lae is no longer the same Lae we used to know and love.