Oil palm industry set to take off in Markham Valley

FEBRUARY 14 2022

The smallholder oil palm industry is set to take off in the Markham Valley of Morobe following discussions between Oil Palm Industry Corporation (OPIC), Morobe Provincial Government and landowner leaders.

Oil Palm Industry Corporation General-Secretary Kepson Pupita (right) and Morobe Provincial Administrator Bart Ipambonj with oil palm growers at Dabwa Village, Umi-Atzera LLG, which borders Eastern Highlands and Madang. Dabua, a small village, is the biggest Village Oil Palm (VOP) producer in Morobe and supplies to the nearby Ramu Agri Industries owned by New Britain Palm Oil Ltd (NBPOL). It makes a turnover of about K600, 000 annually, not bad for a small rural village.

This follows a meeting at Mampin Village in Umi-Atzera LLG on Sunday (February 13 2022) between OPIC General-Secretary Kepson Pupita, Morobe Provincial Administrator Bart Ipambonj and landowner leaders.

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It is also in line with the vision of the Marape Government to economically empower people in rural areas of the country.

The Markham villagers have been waiting for more than 10 years for smallholder oil palm to take off in the valley, following a launching by former prime minister Peter O’Neill, but to no avail.

During this time, oil palm giant New Britain Palm Oil Ltd (NBPOL), has taken up sizable chunks of land in the valley to grow oil palm as the people have watched as spectators.

OPIC has wasted no time and is immediately sending two officers today (February 14 2022) to be based permanently at Mutzing Government Station to get the industry up and running.

Following the meeting, Pupita, Ipambonj and landowner leaders visited the proposed site of the OPIC office at Mutzing, nursery and accommodation sites at Umi, and a successful Village Oil Palm (VOP) project at Dabwa bordering Madang and Eastern Highlands.

Dabwa will be the model on which to build the Markham smallholder oil palm industry.

A jubilant Pupita described Markham as the “new frontier” which had the potential to rival West New Britain, New Ireland, Northern and Milne Bay as major players in the oil palm industry.

“OPIC, with full support from the customary landowners, anticipates to set up a 2000-hectare nursery project in the Markham Plains,” Pupita said.

“The nursery will cost a total of K6.15 million and has the potential to raise 240,000 palm trees.

“Based on current market prices, this project has the potential to generate around K20.7 to K27.6 million through the sale of fresh fruit bunch per year. In respect to export earnings, we have potential to bring in K36 million to K40 million into the country.

“This money will go straight into the pockets of the local villagers engaged in oil palm cultivation.”

Pupita said OPIC had requested the Morobe Government to fund the 2000ha nursery project while it would provide the technical expertise.

The OPIC General-Secretary is in the Markham Valley this week to ensure that the project is up and running.