Morobe Provincial Police Commander Superintendent Jacob Singura has welcomed the K3 million assistance from Morobe Provincial Government for the 2022 National General Election.
Mr Singura said of the K3 million assistance, K1 million would be allocated for security operations for elections in the province. He said a big portion of this money would be used to cater for allowances of additional manpower from PNG Defence Force (PNGDF) and the PNG Correctional Services (PNGCS), as well as logistical support for police.

“Manpower and logistical support are our biggest challenge, especially for a province like Morobe with a big landmass and scattered population,” he said.
Mr Singura said his command had proposed to engage 90-plus personnel from the PNGDF and PNGCS to boost manpower in the province and was awaiting approval from Police headquarters.
With logistical support being a big challenge, he has advised Police Station Commanders (PSCs) throughout the province to carry out election awareness at their level within their areas of command. He said there would be a big launching of the election operation at a later date.
The PPC said the Morobe province’s manpower nominal roll has been finalised and submitted to the National Election Planning Team at Police headquarters and demonstrated that Morobe was well prepared to deliver the 2022 General Election.